There are quite a few babies in my family right now and I wanted to make something that was original and just for the twins birthday. So, this is what came out, felt bracelets. If you want a quick, cute and inexpensive gift, this is great.
For the girls, I drew the flower outline on paper and cut it out as a template. Then I used the template to cut two felt flowers, sewed them together by just following the edge of the flower (that was kind of tedious and difficult). Then I did the same thing with another layer of the flower, the leaf, and band. I arranged the flowers how i liked them, cut a tiny hole in the middle, put the ring on the back of button through, and then sewed everything together nice and tight (because it will probably be roughed up a little). Then I arranged the leaf and sewed it on. I had to make sure that I wasn't going through both layers of the felt with the needle so thread wouldn't show on the front. With the band, I couldn't measure the kids wrist until I got to the party, so I had to guess how long it should be. When we got to the party and they opened the gift, I then measured and hammered snaps in the right spot.
I found that sewing a flower straight on to two layers of felt with no template is wayyyyy easier, but it doesn't come out as neat. But I kind of like the asymmetrical look (as you'll see in my next post).
The only thing I don't like about these is that when the kids opened them, they didn't jump up and down with excitement (like I did when I saw the end product of these). But, that's 2 year-olds for you. I hope they like them and want to wear them at least sometime. Oh well, I love them anyway.
so cute, goll I've got to get myself together and start making stuff again. I swore I was going to and still....nothing. I think I need to move back to Houston.