Thursday, January 7, 2010

Any Knitters Out There?

Here I am. I'm sitting on my couch, the football game on in front of me with the volume off, husband next to me and a nicely finished, first-ever stockinette swatch in my lap. It looks good, I must say, and I feel encouraged to begin the pair of baby booties that will become my first knitting project. I cast off my 33 stitches, read the next line of instruction, and . . . . I'm lost. I understand that I need to begin 10 rows of stockinette stitching, but I'm confused - does my cast off row count as the first row of the stockinette stitch? How do I know which is the right and which is the wrong side? Do I start with purl or do I start with knit? These are questions I'm willing to get to the bottom of - but can anyone help me??

1 comment:

  1. Becca, I am a knitter and I can help you. Call me this weekend. Brooke
