Thursday, April 15, 2010

Homemade Doughnuts

Mmmmmm :)

So, thanks to Kalina I am now obsessed with The Pioneer Woman's blog. I stayed up until 3:00 am reading her Black Heels to Tracker Wheels romance. It will make your heart go pitter patter. Please read it if you have not already. I know, I'm like the last person on the block to hear about her. Bought her cookbook. Love it. Love her.

Anyway, the recipe is here.

Don't let the darkness of these doughnuts worry you. They were not hard, burnt, or in any way unsatisfying. I cut the recipe in half and what you see is how many it made minus a doughnut or two that I ate (or 3).
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  1. I love that you made these. THey look so yummy, but reading the recipe makes me tired. And that's probably a good thing. :)

    I love her. Read her blog everyday. I've made lots of her recipes. A couple of misses, but lots of great winners.

  2. Rebecca, I totally stayed up way too late one night reading her "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" also! I couldn't stop reading, because every chapter ended with a little cliffhanger. I loved it. I have only tried one of her recipes (an apple pie that was decent, but not great), but there are LOTS more I want to try. These doughnuts look really good.

  3. Oh good! It makes me feel a little more normal! Adam kept teasing me about it! That is such a good story . . . they should make it into a movie.

  4. I made the doughnuts this morning after seeing your post--soo good! Thanks Rebecca! I started reading the story as well...those cliffhangers really get you! One thing though......Why does she keep saying her "hiney was tingling"?! Maybe she should see a doctor...
